Leading China Matchmaking Areas

Leading China·Emerging Industries Exhibition Area

Under the theme of “Open Innovation, Win-Win for Future”, the event will continue with the integrated mode of exhibition and negotiation. It will set up two sections, namely project roadshow and exhibition, covering the fields of new energy and new materials, cloud and computing power network, commercial logistics, bio-pharmaceutical, digital economy, artificial intelligence, and financial technology. It will launch thematic zones such as China Hydrogen Alliance, Tsinghua x-lab, IoT+5G, etc. It will bring together industrial leading enterprises, unicorn enterprises, leading small and medium enterprises, and thus build a high-quality networking platform with representatives from capital, parks, incubators and other parties.

Regional Investment Promotion Event   Industrial Project Roadshow


The event will focus on promoting the capacity of local high-tech enterprises and the direction of industrial development in line with the times to the participating enterprises. It aims to create communication opportunities for the project demanders and the various demand parties, to bridge the gap between the government and enterprises, and to promote the efficient and accurate landing of the project.



The event will screen outstanding exhibitors and projects from the Leading China·Emerging Industries Exhibition Area, and invite the entrepreneurial project teams to elaborate on the project highlights, development prospects, technological advantages, patented technologies, and cooperation.

Green China Matchmaking Areas
Green China Exhibition Area

The Green China exhibition area focuses on green and low-carbon industries, green consumption, and green and healthy lifestyles. Through the combination of exhibition and negotiation, the exhibition area will feature special zones for green energy, ESG and investment, regenerative agriculture and sustainable development, and green food and healthy consumption. It will also host a variety of investment promotion events, including investment opportunities in the green energy industry, supply chain cooperation and matchmaking between central enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises, introduction of regenerative agriculture and sustainable development projects, green food consumption and interactive experience, ESG and the investment environment, and promotion of local business environment and green development opportunities. We will invite industry-leading companies such as Fortune 500, multinational corporations, foreign-invested enterprises, and central state-owned enterprises to participate the event. This will create a professional investment cooperation platform to strengthen industry connections, uncover market potential and investment opportunities, and support the high-quality development of green and low-carbon industries.

Major Events



Opening Ceremony of a Series of Events on International Investment Promotion

Chinese and foreign dignitaries, heads of international organizations, the Ministry of Commerce, the

state financial regulatory department and Fujian provincial leaders are invited to attend and deliver speeches. 



Brand Series Events

“Invest in China” Matchmaking Areas


“Invest in China” Dialogue between

Specialized and Sophisticated SMEs

and Hidden Champions

  “Invest in China, Invest in NETDZs” Matchmaking Area for Manufacturing Sector in National Economic and Technological Development Zones  

“Invest in China” Matchmaking

Area for Financial Capital


Foreign high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises and hidden champions will be invited to participate, and the linkage with domestic specialized and special new enterprises will become a trend. Hold a number of local provinces and cities and overseas high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises, hidden champion enterprises special matchmaking meetings.



Manufacturing Matchmaking Area for National Economic and Technological Development Zones will invite 18-20 representative national economic and technological zones to participate. These areas will bring along innovative and growing enterprises from sectors such as intelligent manufacturing, electronic information, biomedicine, and green low-carbon. Through promotions,...




A number of head financial institutions will be invited to participate with high-quality enterprises and projects, and events such as investment and financing docking and project roadshows will be held.

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The “China Investment” Events


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China Investment • Matchmaking Meeting of Cross-border

Investment Cooperation

  China Investment • Matchmaking Meeting on Innovative Development of Overseas Economic and Trade Cooperative Zones   Cross-border Cooperation Matchmaking Event for Innovative Enterprises
Domestic and foreign government agencies, expert think tanks, overseas chambers of commerce, established Chinese and foreign enterprises, etc. will be invited to discuss trend of overseas investment cooperation and explore cooperation ...   For the purpose of promoting innovative development of “Overseas Economic and Trade Cooperation Zones” (OETCZ), matchmaking meeting will be inviting representatives from government departments, representative parks & ...    The Innovative Enterprises Cross-Border Cooperation Matchmaking Meeting will widely invite governments, institutions, and enterprises from regions such as Europe, Africa, Japan and Korea, Southeast Asia, along with Chinese government bodies, industrial parks, and enterprises for exchanges.   ...
Exhibition of China’s Outward Investment and Cooperation  

Exhibition of Global

Development Cooperation

  Innovative Enterprises Cross-border
Showcasing achievements of “China Investment” and “China Construction”, and building a cross-border investment cooperation platform to promote innovative development of outward investment and cooperation...   Displaying concepts, principles and outcomes of China’s participation in global development cooperation, to promoting mutually development and building a platform for win-win cooperation.   The exhibition area will be themed "Innovative Enterprises Cross-Border Cooperation" and will be divided into four sections: Innovative Enterprises, Business Environment,  ...
Special Events


The Night of Gulangyu


The event focuses on financial characteristics and incorporates the charm of Gulangyu Island. It features leaders

remarks, keynote speeches and interactive exchanges, and plans to invite high-level representatives from

international organizations, domestic and foreign investment promotion agencies, financial institutions, multinational

corporations, etc. to attend. In a relaxed and free atmosphere, investment wisdom will be gathered, investment

opportunities will be shared, and a better future will be created together.


WTO internal exchange activities

on investment facilitation

  China-UAE Economic and Trade Cooperation Exchange Conference  

Release of Foreign

Investment Reports

Discuss the significance of the WTO Agreement on Investment Facilitation for Development in improving the business environment for countries and facilitating global investment flows, share best practices in investment promotion among ...   Taking the 40th anniversary of China-UAE diplomatic ties as an opportunity, we will invite representatives of leading enterprises, sovereign funds, embassies and consulates, business associations and other organizations of the UAE to participate in the...   The Department of Foreign Investment Administration, China Investment Promotion Agency, and Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation of MOFCOM will release the Statistical Bulletin of FDI in China 2024, the Foreign Investment Guide of the People’s ...
Key Project Exchange Event by Investment Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Commerce, P.R.C.   The Third Green Chemical Industry Cross-border Cooperation Dialogue: Industry Parks-Fortune 500   Cross-border Cooperation Meeting Room for Consumer Health Industry
The event wil be conducted through key project roadshows and on-site matchmaking, focusing on biomedicine industry. Financial institutions will be invited to support economic and trade cooperation and facilitate project implementation. ...   The theme of this event is open cooperation in green chemical industry with the main focus on exploration of strengthening and extending industrial chain and the opportunities for two-way cooperation between green chemical enterprises and industrial parks.   Through the forms of exhibition, talking and conference, combining relevant events, image presentation, negotiation areas and other forms inside and outside the venue to create a full industry chain cooperation platform of “industry chain+ecosystem”, achieving high-speed matching and ...

Enterprise Project RoadshowEnterprise Project Roadshow

Hong Kong Special Session
European Session
Anhui Special Session - Shanghai Round Table Conference
Singapore Special Session
Industrial Project Roadshow Events
Hungary Special Session

Special Session Docking





Park Dialogue (European Enterprise North Connection Session)